Guaranteed income for life. Not all your money has to be at risk. You can have Guaranteed Income For Life, while earning interest on the balance of the amount deposited at the same time. The balance of any amount deposited in the event of your death will then be returned.
You can avoid market losses while benefiting from index gains. At the same time you can have locked in annual gains, withdrawal privileges, up to 10% premium bonuses on all deposited made in year one, and other benefit features.
Medicare supplement plans, Medicare Choice Plans, and Medicare Part “D” prescription drug plans.
You DO NOT have to go broke in a nursing home. If a couple, you can protect 80-90% of your assets, 40-50% if single and even if you or your spouse goes into a nursing home today. Planning and knowing options available for potential long term care needs can help protect assets most think they have to surrender.
A funeral trust is an example of something that is exempt when applying for nursing home care for the purpose of Medicaid/Title 19/Badger Care planning. Tax-free monies that could remain are then returned to your beneficiaries. You to now choose the funeral home you want in comfort with this kind of Irrevocable Trust allowing it to be transferred if you were to move out of state, not locking yourself into one funeral home.
Planning and funding your funeral needs in advance protects you and your loved ones, gives you peace of mind, and that you will get the funeral you arranged at the price you agreed.